by Stewart Glen
Translated by Anna Liang
The English version is below. ⬇⬇
所以我們能做些什麼呢?首先,我們寫了好幾篇關於如何改變思維,進而邁向精通英文的文章, 如果在閱讀這些文章之後,你想嘗試一些完全不同的方法,歡迎你來參加這個獨一無二的「解鎖無圍工作坊」。
在這個三部分為期 15 天的線上實作工作坊中,我們會和你分享如何能自己練習英文:
第 1 天 第 1 堂課
所以接下來有 7 天的時間讓你練習玩這 3 個遊戲。
第 8 天 第 2 堂課
回顧你過去 7 天遊戲體驗,並與教練討論。
介紹另外三個體驗式的遊戲 。
第 15 天 第 3 堂課
回顧前兩週的所有的英文體驗 。
介紹 Infinity Key 的承諾。
( Anna Liang 譯 )

The Unlocking Infinity Workshop
A Paradigm Shift for Taiwan’s English Efforts
Let’s face a hard fact. Simply attending an English class once or twice a week is not going to turn you into a confident English speaker. Likewise, taking a test prep class may help you pass a test, but when it comes time to use English in the workplace, you will not have sufficiently developed your skills to fully participate in an all-English environment. In short, studying, memorizing and testing is not a valid strategy for English excellence. And yet, Taiwanese students have no alternatives to this path. The system is broken.
So what can we do about it? Well, we have written extensively about how you can change your mindset and begin to travel a path that will guarantee success. If, after reading our blogs, you feel you are ready to try something completely different, then join us for our unique workshop entitled Unlocking Infinity.
We have a lot of new things to share with you. We are going to show you how you can learn to practice English on your own.
This is a 3-part workshop that takes place over 15 days. It is all done online.
Day 1 Session 1
Discussion of learning techniques and philosophy.
Introduction to our Google-Driven Interactive Whiteboard. Introduction to 3 simple games that you can do every day without the need of a teacher.
Now you have 7 days to practice the exercises we have demonstrated. Day 8 Session 2
Review of your efforts over the last 7 days.
Introduction of 3 more experiential games for you to try. Day 15 Session 3
Complete review of all your experiences over the last 2 weeks
Introduction to our amazing XP Tracker that will help you manage your time in a consistent fashion.
Introduction to The Infinity Key Pledge. Our goal for this workshop is to supply you with all the information you will need to self-learn. This is our secret sauce and we are giving you the recipe. If you continue on the path of experiential learning that we have designed for you, your English will improve much more steadily than it would under any other program currently available to you. In fact, once you have completed this workshop, you will never be able to attend a cram school again because you will have seen the truth about learning 2nd languages and have realized that cram schools are not set up to help you master English. Our way will be the only way forward for you. Your paradigm will shift.