by Stewart Glen
Translated by Anna Liang
The English version is below. ⬇⬇
Make An About Face About Face 改變關於面子的觀點
做一個 "about face "指的是向後轉,同時它也有徹底改變你的觀點或是立場的意思。
在這封電子報中,我們會探討 徹底改變對於「面子」的觀點 (Make an about face about face) 有多重要。
他們都想要藉由提升自己的英文能力來得到更好的工作,他們花了一樣的時間在成人補習班,也都在 6 個月前考過多益考試 ,成績皆為600分(滿分990分)。
每當他們需要使用英文的時候,他們都覺得自己不斷地冒「丟臉」的險:用錯文法、唸錯、搞錯意思和造成困惑、字彙量不足以表達自己,不論這些是他們幻想的或是真實發生的事,這些都創造了最根本、最深處的信心缺乏。 這兩位很有能力的年輕台灣人,因為文化所養成「急於保護他們的面子」的這個思維,讓他們舉步維艱,每每在使用英文時,大腦中保護面子的那個部門警鈴總是大響。
然而, 6 個月前我們的這兩位朋友徹底改變對於「面子」的觀點, 從此改變他們的人生。透過與我們一同訓練,他們開始「每天」使用英文。我們的系統特殊地結合 哲學面的思維轉換、實際的英文體能訓練以及訓練追蹤系統,完全改變了朋友們學習英文的方式。
✔ 他們每天使用英文。
✔ 他們的英文單字量增加了500個字。
✔ 他們能夠自行發現並矯正自己的文法錯誤。
✔ 他們寫email的時間減半,不論是中文或英文,大幅提升工作效率。
✔ 他們可以控制頭腦中的小聲音 ,只要他們想即可以有開始用英文思考。
✔ 他們可以在任何時間、任何地點和任何人用英文溝通,包括其他的台灣朋友。
✔ 他們有全然的自信可以做公眾的簡報。
他們還有另外一個共同點就是: ✔ 他們都不再在意多益考多高分,因為他們知道他們能在任何的情況下自信的使用英文。

【About Face】
==== Make An About Face About Face ====
To do an about face is to turn 180 degrees and look in, or “face” the opposite direction.
Ironically, it also describes the key problem most Taiwanese have when it comes to learning English. Many are far too concerned about “face” and it’s continued loss v gain.
In this newsletter, we are going to discuss the importance of making an about face about face.
I have two friends. Let’s call them Xiao Lu and Da Shen.
They both want to improve their English so they can get better jobs. They both have spent an equal amount of time studying in adult cram schools and have both taken the TOIEC. They took the test about 6 months ago and both scored 600/990.
Both felt like they were always in jeopardy of relentlessly losing face whenever it came to using English. Making grammar mistakes or mispronunciations, misunderstanding and confusion, lack of vocabulary to express themselves, imagined or real, created a dearth of basic levels of confidence. These otherwise very capable young Taiwanese adults were handicapped by the cultural imperative to protect their “face”. The ever-watchful guardian of face snaps to full alert whenever an occasion calls for the use of English.
Sound familiar Taiwan?
However, 6 months ago, our friends made an “about face about face” and changed their lives forever. By training with Infinity Key, they began to use English everyday. Infinity Key’s unique combination of philosophical paradigm shifting, training experiences, and tracking algorithms have completely changed how my friends are learning English.
Here are some of the differences in their lives:
✔ They use English everyday.
✔ Their vocabulary has grown by by almost 500 words.
✔ They are identifying and correcting their own grammar mistakes.
✔ They have cut their email writing time in half (in Chinese and English), making themselves far more productive at work.
✔ They have taken control of their cognitive voice and think in English whenever they want to.
✔ They can use English with anyone (including other Taiwanese people), anytime, anywhere about almost anything.
✔ They have total confidence to make public presentations.
In fact, they only difference between the two is that Da Shen practices for 60 minutes a day while Xiao Lu can only commit to 30 minutes of practice a day. Both share all the qualities mentioned above, however, Da Shen is on track to top 900 on his TOIEC within the next 6 months, while Xiao Lu is going to take another year to achieve that “goal.”
Here’s one more thing they have in common:
✔ Neither cares about a high TOIEC score anymore. They know that they can confidently use English in any situation.